Project Overview
"From Classic to Contemporary" was my senior capstone project, providing an in-depth look at the evolution of Pepsi's logo. This project was a great opportunity to demonstrate my skills in graphic design and animation, utilizing Adobe After Effects for the animations and Adobe Illustrator for the graphics. 
To ensure accuracy, I conducted extensive research into the evolution of Pepsi’s branding. I analyzed various iterations of the logo, noting design changes and the contextual factors influencing these shifts. This research informed the visual elements and narrative structure of the animation, ensuring a coherent and engaging representation of the brand’s history.
The animation process involved experimenting with different visual elements and effects to bring Pepsi’s logo evolution to life. I focused on creating a dynamic and engaging video by having the animation reflect the feel and intention of each logo.
This project was a rewarding culmination of my college career, allowing me to apply and showcase the skills I developed throughout my studies. The project allowed me to demonstrate not only my technical abilities but also my passion for storytelling through motion graphics.