Project Overview
Role: Writer, Cinematographer, Editor
Creating the 30-second commercial "Apple At Night" was an exciting experience for me. The goal of the commercial was to showcase the improved battery life of the iPhone 13, specifically targeting young adults who use their phones extensively at night. I had to think creatively to come up with ways to showcase the phone's long battery life in various relatable nighttime scenarios, such as all-night study sessions and impromptu dance parties. It was a delicate balance to incorporate the iPhone into the activities and environments without it feeling forced or overly promotional. Overall, it was a fulfilling experience that pushed me to think outside the box and inspired me to continue creating impactful marketing campaigns in the future. Winning the ADDY Award was the icing on the cake, and it was an incredible validation of the hard work and dedication that went into creating the commercial.
I shot Apple "At Night" on a Canon 60D and edited it with Adobe Premiere Pro. The voice-over was recorded with a Tascam recorder and edited with Adobe Audition.